The Munsons of Texas — an American Saga
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- Henry William Munson article in the Handbook of Texas Online
- James Peckham Caldwell article in the Handbook of Texas Online
- Munson, Underwood, Horn, Fairfield and Allied Families: Ancestors of Joe U. Jr., Laura Jane and George K. Munson
- Brazoria County Clerk
- Brazoria County Historical Museum
- Brazoria County TXGenWeb
- Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Online Resources
- Texas General Land Office: Archives & Records
- (Louisiana) State Land Office Online Documents
- Texas Historic Sites Atlas
- Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection: Historic Maps of Texas
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly
- The TXGenWeb Project
- Texas Death Records
- Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
- The USGenWeb Project